Wednesday, November 10, 2010

If You Love Us, Please Send Peanut Butter

Lauren and I have spent the last week researching about our upcoming move. Here is a list of some of the weird/funny/depressing things we've found out so far.

- It's almost impossible to find peanut butter over there! This is a disaster for us, especially Lauren. Care packages with peanut butter will be required from everybody who wants to stay our friend.

- The Japanese don't use deodorant, so you can't buy that either! Luckily, Lauren's coupon mania of the last few months has left us well stocked up on free deodorant. (Score 1 for the coupon queen!)

- Public toilets over there are either super modern with heated seats and built in bidets or glorified pit toilets with no toilet paper. Apparently you have to carry around your own TP just in case.

-Walking and drinking water at the same time is extremely rude as is chewing gum in public, sitting anywhere but on a chair or on the floor, putting your hands in your pockets, and rolling your eyes,

-If you wear sunglasses everybody thinks you are in the Yakuza (Mafia).

-Students either wear their school uniforms on Sunday's for no apparent reason or they dress up in a full blown costume, usually of some kind of animal. WTF!?!?!?

-Japanese kitchens don't have ovens. How are we going to make cookies? :-(  (I'm not too worried -- I usually make cookies for the dough anyway!)

And that's just the start of our culture shock. It's a little bit intimidating, but I think we'll be alright.

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