Monday, November 15, 2010

Small Group

This week, when I told the small group of 9th grade girls that I co-lead the news about moving to japan, they stared at me with wide eyes and open mouths, not saying a word.  You could have heard a pin drop. It's funny: I've been so excited to tell my friends and coworkers the news, but I've been dreading telling my small group girls.

When I think of leaving behind these girls, there's a sadness in my heart. Every week for the past year and a half I've gotten to watch God at work in their hearts as they grow in their relationship to him and I've gotten to really step into their lives.  Not many 15 year old girls will be real, open, honest, and genuine like that with an adult.

As much as I love these girls, I know there is One who loves them more who will take care and wants what is best for them.  God let me see this in small ways this week: in the way that one of the girls was able to go to another girl to recieve comfort when something shook her world; in the way God reminded me that he will provide another leader and that I should pray for that leader, not rely on my own means to find the leader; in the way that my co-leader had good news to share on the night I shared my news.  When she announced she was going to have a baby, our small group went crazy with cheers of joy.  That little thing -- of God providing them with something to look forward to and celebrate -- reminded me that He has them in His Hands.

Girls, if you are reading this, know that I am so happy to be your small group leader.  I love you and I'm thankful that God allowed us to walk together in life, even if it was for a brief time.  Continue to follow Him with all your heart, and may He hold you close at all times.

My Girls!

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